Ugliest Baby Animals In The World

Animal Shelter

Ugliest Baby Animals In The World. Blobfishes are rarely seen by humans, which is fine with us. Though most of us have browsed the web cooing at pictures of baby giraffes and have visited the zoo to gawk at the regality of lions and tigers, not all animals are cute and cuddly.

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The ugly animal society preservation society held a vote to pick the ugliest animal in the world and the blobfish was a clear winner. Welcome to the world, baby animals! Here are 10 most ugliest animals in the world.

These species are sometimes considered nasty, although some of them are not that dangerous.

Ben was born after a 3 hour labor (yes, 3 hours from start to finish) and was a huge 9lb 9oz, 4.5kg. It’s almost completely hairless, the proportions are all weird (huge head, fat arms and legs), it’s completely useless and helpless, it has no control over. World’s largest nocturnal primate is also very bizarre. After all, we are mammals, and there’s plenty of cute animals in the world.
